Warnungen Archiv – drugchecking.berlinhttps://drugchecking.berlin/aktuelle-warnungen?id=64
Drug list with easy to treat images
🌱 garten.salat.devhttps://garten.salat.dev/
by @froos
Skylla | Ruth Gollerhttps://ruthgoller.bandcamp.com/album/skylla
bass and voice
Pinta: Painting Made Simplehttps://www.pinta-project.com/
bluie at DuckDuckGohttps://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=bluie&iax=videos&ia=videos
Radio Postcardhttps://postcard.swrs.net/
by paul bernhard
Anna’s Archivehttps://annas-archive.li/
ebook library archive
to digg in
Buffet à volontéhttps://clarabougon.ovh/buffet_a_volonte.html
mic rec sampler for touch devices and mouse
video to ascii and more
The Samchillian Tip Tip Tip Cheeepeeeee Demo - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8BXMMQZtYE
The Samchillian Tip Tip Tip Cheeepeeeee
On not scaling LURK: a tale of maintenance, federation, and governancehttps://txt.lurk.org/on-not-scaling-lurk/
Cool text on maintenance governance,
Vector Halftone Maker - Interactive PNG/SVG halftone pattern generatorhttps://halftone.xoihazard.com/
Very cool
Exploring FM Synthesis / Ramona | Observablehttps://observablehq.com/@ramonaisonline/synthesis
Hexlish Alphabet for English, Constructed Languages and Cryptography: Automatic, Structural Compression with a Phonetic Hexadecimal Alphabet - HEXLISH ALPHABET GREENPRINT - BYRL RAZE BUCKBRIAR.pdfhttps://octade.net/publications/HEXLISH%20ALPHABET%20GREENPRINT%20-%20BYRL%20RAZE%20BUCKBRIAR.pdf
Hexlish is a legible, sixteen-letter alphabet for writing the English language and for encoding text as legible base 16 or compressed binary
Home - Ganciohttps://gancio.org/
An activitypub based public calendar