86 results
The work of creation in the age of AI | Andrew Perforshttps://perfors.net/blog/creation-ai/
Futu - Astrid de la Chapellehttps://www.futu.fr/
Revue sur le futur.
Some Relevant Reading & Research - Fun Music Placehttps://funmusic.place/resources/
CELEBRITY ART REPORT - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm4gw8EKUPo
Brad Troemel
the left cant meme reporthttps://vimeo.com/789774686/4938c3ec75
brad troemel
post internet report.mp4https://vimeo.com/814069910/2864e72e20
brad troemel
the literalists - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81zCB2KEnxU&t=1s
brad troemel
Building a Modular Synth With JavaScript and Web Audio API | by Rick Moore | Geek Culture | Mediumhttps://medium.com/geekculture/building-a-modular-synth-with-web-audio-api-and-javascript-d38ccdeca9ea
Perfect to begin with webaudio (synths)
Sound – Bartosz Ciechanowskihttps://ciechanow.ski/sound/
Physics of sound explained with nice little interactive diagrams
Replacement Theory: How memes rendered commercial art obsolete - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAgKSX-tMJo
brad troemel
PASTEL HELL: the definitive guide to millennial aesthetics - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnX_S74jyq8&t=1s
brad troemel
THE FUNKO REPORT - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPFdv8eBWIA&t=1s
brad troemel
on masculinity
Laurie Spiegel's Retiary Ramblingshttp://www.lauriespiegel.net/ls/index.html
n° 1 (2020): la pensée de l'écran | écriture et imagehttps://ecriture-et-image.fr/index.php/ecriture-image/issue/view/EI1
Laurie Spiegel's "Manipulations of Music Patterns"http://www.lauriespiegel.net/ls/writings/musical_manip.html
Should Music-Making Be Reserved for an Elite?http://www.lauriespiegel.net/ls/writings/cmj_not_for_an_elite.html
by Laurie Spiegel