550 results
by Nikola Tosic
C a t a l o g u e N e t h e r l a n d s M e d i a A r t I n s t i t u t e http://catalogue.nimk.nl/
YouTube - Chaîne de francomatteshttp://www.youtube.com/user/francomattes#p/u/6/azOeL7ucZ9A
by Eva and Franco Mattes
Fabien Mousse
Camille LAURELLIhttp://laurelli.blogspot.com/
Turbo Sculpture (german version) on Vimeohttp://vimeo.com/10109329
by Aleksandra Domanovic
Spiros Hadjidjanoshttp://www.spiroshadjidjanos.net/one-gigabyte-of-myself-goes-around/
1GB of myself goes around
What Does a Video Look Like After 1000 YouTube Uploads?http://gawker.com/5554154/what-does-a-video-look-like-after-1000-youtube-uploads
A Collection a Day, 2010http://collectionaday2010.blogspot.com/
acess3 - Google Documentshttps://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AWM7nUOQZe-AZGdmNWZrczNfMjVnYzhtZGd0ZA&hl=en
Ben Schumacher
John Hamonhttp://www.john-hamon.com/
Welcome (The Beauty of Lacks and Limitation)http://sites.google.com/site/thebeautyoflacksandlimitation/
01's exposent des fragments d'œuvres d'art volés
johannes p osterhoffhttp://johannes-p-osterhoff.com/
Peter Roothttp://www.peterroot.com/index.php?/stuff/prints-for-sale/
No Funhttp://www.0100101110101101.org/home/nofun/
member of spirit surfer
Gifsy Kingshttp://gifsykings.tumblr.com/post/516218377
Found via facebook