153 results
GitHub - shubhamjain/svg-spinners: Collection of open-source SVG spinners (CSS & SMIL based).https://github.com/shubhamjain/svg-spinners
Huge list of SVG spinners
nsfw advertising list
Evolution of the Scrollbarhttps://scrollbars.matoseb.com/
Kiwix lets you access free knowledge – even offlinehttps://www.kiwix.org/en/
Wikipedia and other wikis offline, the full encyclopedia can fit in 80GB
On the Internet Everybody Knows You had a Dog. Olia Lialina, 2015 -- ongoinghttps://dogs.geocities.institute/
Episode 039 Dragan Espenschied — Art and Obsolescence Podcasthttps://www.artandobsolescence.com/episodes/039-dragan-espenschied
GitHub - gildas-lormeau/SingleFilehttps://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile
Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome/MS Edge and CLI tool to save a faithful copy of an entire web page in a single HTML file
Encyclopédie de la parolehttps://encyclopediedelaparole.org
Index - Cyberfeminism Indexhttps://cyberfeminismindex.com/#/artificial-intelligence-in-the-age-of-sexual-reproduction-sketches-for-xenofeminism
Journal Intime 2 Vera Molnarhttps://fr.calameo.com/read/0002895619da2a1b1daf8
tootyta/FlashBrowser2: A small browser capable of viewing/displaying pages with embedded flash content.https://github.com/tootyta/FlashBrowser2
Tested, works with local files as well
Mindat.org - Mines, Minerals and Morehttps://www.mindat.org/
Large database of minerals, the photo section is great.
PlayPhrase.me: Site for cinema archaeologists.https://www.playphrase.me/
Vandal | Navigator for Web Archivehttps://vegetableman.github.io/vandal/
Xylotheque - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylotheque
Collection: Punk Flyers - Cornell University Library Digital Collections Search Resultshttps://digital.library.cornell.edu/?f%5Bcollection_tesim%5D%5B%5D=Punk+Flyers&view=gallery
Every Noise at Oncehttps://everynoise.com/
A map of musical styles