358 results
DamRsn/NeuralNote: Audio Plugin for Audio to MIDI transcription using deep learning.https://github.com/DamRsn/NeuralNote
rec to midi
Printing music with CSS Grid – Blog – Cruncher – web development agency in Lausannehttps://cruncher.ch/blog/printing-music-with-css-grid/
an un-alienated approach to music technology (presentation + performance) - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFc_TnW_mAY
I describe a project where I built musical instruments out of salvaged android phones and used them to lead music tech workshops at a teen center (The Neutral Zone).
Usage | tonalhttps://tonaljs.github.io/tonal/docs
tonal is a music theory library. Contains functions to manipulate tonal elements of music (note, intervals, chords, scales, modes, keys). It deals with abstractions (not actual music or sound).
Sound Patterns - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFJZUaeqOsc
Non-lexical vocables in Scottish traditional musichttps://era.ed.ac.uk/handle/1842/7220
post.lurk.org - "Music, non-verbal vocalisation…"https://post.lurk.org/@raphael/112020494998738465
秘密♡melody/小倉唯(作曲:滝澤俊輔) | rechord - 演奏もできるコード進行共有サービスhttps://rechord.cc/6q1n3_2R24w
Langue des oiseaux - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTEhttps://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/114581-000-A/langue-des-oiseaux/
Faircamp: A static site generator for audio producershttps://simonrepp.com/faircamp/#!
Some Relevant Reading & Research - Fun Music Placehttps://funmusic.place/resources/
unloop: a looper that doesn't repeat itself - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzBI8Vcjd2s
LYL Radio | Musique d'Ascenseurhttps://lyl.live/episode/musique-d-ascenseur-4
Patch Notes: Church Andrews & Matt Davies - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3PosWJqA1M
Web Audio Scheduling | Loophole Lettershttps://loophole-letters.vercel.app/web-audio-scheduling
Horrible edge cases to consider when dealing with musichttps://dustri.org/b/horrible-edge-cases-to-consider-when-dealing-with-music.html
Weird album and tracks names
AI that separate instruments / parts from a single music track