125 results
domain namehttp://www.domainnamespace.info/
Daniel van der Velden - Metahaven | Symposium I Don't Know Where I'm Going But I Want To Be There on Vimeohttp://vimeo.com/18088132
From Clubs to Affinity: The Decentralization of Art on the Internet « 491http://fourninetyone.com/2011/01/06/fromclubstoaffinity/
Le Self-Tracking: Quand les chiffres parlent » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalismhttp://owni.fr/2010/10/15/le-self-tracking-quand-les-chiffres-parlent/
Mr. Dropout : Xhttp://natehillisnuts.com/dropout/
Antonymous robot
by Nikola Tosic
Château De Chamarandehttp://www.chateau-chamarande.com/
by NIEI 1999 — (origin of the unicorn symbol) in Internet folklore
Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die - 02 June 2010 - New Scientisthttp://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20627631.100-immortal-avatars-back-up-your-brain-never-die.html
mattes_darko_maver_timeline.png (Image PNG, 1071x1179 pixels)http://at-the-edge-of-art.com/out_of_the_hothouse/media/mattes_darko_maver_timeline.png
John Hamonhttp://www.john-hamon.com/
Why: A Tale Of A Post-Modern Genius - Smashing Magazinehttp://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/05/15/why-a-tale-of-a-post-modern-genius/
Why Mark Zuckerberg needs to come clean about his views on privacy | VentureBeathttp://social.venturebeat.com/2010/05/13/zuckerberg-privacy/
FACEBOOK — He believes that people should have a single identity: “You have one identity,” he emphasized three times in a single interview with David Kirkpatrick in his book, “The Facebook Effect.” “The days of you having a different image for your work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly.” He adds: “Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.”
Rhizome | The Demoscene -- an Overviewhttp://rhizome.org/editorial/3516
Entretien avec Mercedes Bunz | IDNhttp://idn.ensad.fr/?p=1043
Quasimoto - Les avatars dans la musique - Fluctuat.nethttp://musique.fluctuat.net/diaporamas/les-avatars-dans-la-musique/Quasimoto.html
Michel Serres : Corps et identité, mais qui sommes-nous ?http://www.canalacademie.com/ida1623-Corps-et-identite-qui-sommes-nous.html?var_recherche=hominescence
Thomas Pynchon - Wikipédiahttp://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Pynchon
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