125 results
Becoming : CHATONSKYhttp://gregory.incident.net/project/becoming/
Darko Maver: The Great Art Swindlehttp://0100101110101101.org/home/darko_maver/
7-11 creator
Les Liens Invisibles | Linking the invisiblehttp://www.lesliensinvisibles.org/
A Fake is a Fake. Anywayhttp://fake.isafake.org/
Que nous apprend 4chan sur l’internet de demain ? | ReadWriteWeb Francehttp://fr.readwriteweb.com/2010/02/15/a-la-une/4chan/
Six personnages en fuite d'auteurhttp://www.fluctuat.net/blog/1242-Six-personnages-en-fuite-d-auteur
Identités Activeshttp://www.identitesactives.net/
via lrntrlln
Self-Portrait as a nude - Fabien Mousse - 2010http://autoportra.it/
#selfportrait [--self-image ego from Twitter--] -- sumoto.ikihttp://selfportrait.name/
Face of the Futurehttp://morph.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/fof/morphDemo/index.html
morphing, detection...
[ L u t h e r B l i s s e t t . n e t ]http://www.lutherblissett.net/
Leftloft, we are an italian design companyhttp://www.leftloft.com/
A U T O S C O P I Ahttp://autoscopia.net/index.html
Persona. Ritual masks and contemporary art - we make money not arthttp://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/2009/11/royal-museum-for-central-afric.php
eBay item 1176601036(Ends Aug-18-01 16:08:53 PDT) - Keith Obadike's Blacknesshttp://obadike.tripod.com/ebay.html
Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Webhttp://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/short/webident.html
tiara.org » Online Identity Bibliographyhttp://www.tiara.org/blog/?page_id=78
Martine Neddam
professeur en Fine Arts à la Rietveld