75 results
jarmitage/Stenophone: The Stenophone is a musical instrument combining stenotype and live codinghttps://github.com/jarmitage/stenophone
Online talk: Manjunath B C – Alpacahttps://algorithmicpattern.org/events/manjunath-b-c/
Question about improvisation at 37:00
The Walter Thompson Orchestra Soundpainting - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVepsh6VAsU
Digital Improvisationhttps://raphaelbastide.com/digimp/
Metasynth - The Curious DAW From A Parallel Universe - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-GDOIOAuU4&t=1978s
Magenta wins "Best Demo" at NIPS 2016!https://magenta.tensorflow.org/2016/12/16/nips-demo/
Neural Melody Autocompletionhttps://codepen.io/teropa/pen/gvwwZL
Concert en co-improvisation avec les systèmes Omax et ImproteK - Algorithmes, machines et langages - Bernard Lubat, Gérard Assayag, Marc Chemillier et Jérôme Nika - Collège de France - 27 mai 2016 17:30http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/gerard-berry/symposium-2016-05-27-17h30.htm
The OMax Project Pagehttp://omax.ircam.fr/
TOPLAP | the home of live codinghttp://toplap.org/
Portfolio | Anthony Masurehttp://www.anthonymasure.com/
Soizic Lebrat /// violoncellistehttp://www.soiziclebrat.eu/bio.html
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