Picture Wall

Online talk: Manjunath B C – Alpaca
Online talk: Manjunath B C – Alpaca
GitHub - jasonwebb/morphogenesis-resources: Comprehensive list of resources on the topic of digital morphogenesis (the creation of form through code). Includes links to major articles, code repos, creative projects, books, software, and more.
GitHub - jasonwebb/morphogenesis-resources: Comprehensive list of resources on the topic of digital morphogenesis (the creation of form through code). Includes links to major articles, code repos, creative projects, books, software, and more.
Fibonacci Konnakol - YouTube
Fibonacci Konnakol - YouTube
The Rhythms of Tigran Hamasyan
The Rhythms of Tigran Hamasyan
Lenia - Mathematical Life Forms
Lenia - Mathematical Life Forms
Field Play
Field Play
Illustrating Group Theory: A Coloring Book
Illustrating Group Theory: A Coloring Book
L-system - Wikipedia
L-system - Wikipedia