Picture Wall

Material Sequencer – Physical materiality of sound – CreativeApplications.Net
Material Sequencer – Physical materiality of sound – CreativeApplications.Net
Les sculptures de la villa romaine de Chiragan
Les sculptures de la villa romaine de Chiragan
daniel de bruin builds hand-powered analog 3d printer to reconnect with his designs on Vimeo
daniel de bruin builds hand-powered analog 3d printer to reconnect with his designs on Vimeo
hsab/GrowthNodes: A Blender plugin for generative content creation and simulation of organic growth processes on polygonal surfaces.
hsab/GrowthNodes: A Blender plugin for generative content creation and simulation of organic growth processes on polygonal surfaces.
Monumentgenerator.com, Angelo Plessas, 2016
Monumentgenerator.com, Angelo Plessas, 2016
Caleb Larsen | pietmondriaan.com
Caleb Larsen | pietmondriaan.com
Démonstration/Instructions de gravure lapidaire, par Franck Jalleau on Vimeo
Démonstration/Instructions de gravure lapidaire, par Franck Jalleau on Vimeo
ClaytricSurface: An Interactive Surface that can Dynamically Change the Flexibility - YouTube
ClaytricSurface: An Interactive Surface that can Dynamically Change the Flexibility - YouTube
Rhizome | Untitled monuments 1-3 (2010) - Ben Schumacher
Rhizome | Untitled monuments 1-3 (2010) - Ben Schumacher
Rhizome | Year of the 8 ball (2008) - Guthrie Lonergan
Rhizome | Year of the 8 ball (2008) - Guthrie Lonergan
Rhizome | Unsolicited Fabrications: Shareware Sculptures (2009) - Stephanie Syjuco
Rhizome | Unsolicited Fabrications: Shareware Sculptures (2009) - Stephanie Syjuco
Shapeways | passionate about creating
Shapeways | passionate about creating
Rhizome | The Cybernetic Pioneer of Video Art: Nam June Paik
Rhizome | The Cybernetic Pioneer of Video Art: Nam June Paik
Flickr: Galerie de refillseven
Flickr: Galerie de refillseven