Facture instrumentale peu commune - Léo Maurelhttp://www.violonaroue.fr/ instruments diy crafting instrument-making instruments diy crafting instrument-making
Build a DIY screen out of recycled parts for cheap - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfirQC99xPc screen diy crafting screen diy crafting
DRAWDIO - draw music with a pencil, or a kitchen sink, or a banana, or...http://web.media.mit.edu/~silver/drawdio/ music diy crafting music diy crafting
uH bench - open source public bench - xuv - Julien Deswaefhttp://xuv.be/uH-bench-open-source-public-bench.html diy opensource industrial_design diy opensource industrial_design
Desktopsculptures by florian kuhlmann | 2012 | courtesy of the artisthttp://www.desktopsculptures.de/ sculpture diy art netart sculpture diy art netart
Le blog de multimedialab.be » Archive du blog » Micro-concert (récital électro-ménager)http://www.multimedialab.be/blog/?p=1380 installation art diy music installation art diy music
Markus Kayser Builds a Solar-Powered 3D Printer that Prints Glass from Sand and a Sun-Powered Cutter | Colossalhttp://thisiscolossal.com/2011/06/markus-kayser-builds-a-solar-powered-3d-printer-that-prints-glass-from-sand-and-a-sun-powered-laser-cutter/ printing 3d diy art printing 3d diy art